multicultural group of smiling people

Smiling people can make your day

“Let us meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.” Those were the words of Mother Teresa. And I totally agree.

Beautiful smiles can turn sorrow into joy, anger into a cheer, and even fear into bravery. It is smiling that brightens up our Mondays when the weekend is over and turns a boring Friday to a wonderful one. In one way or the other, we have heard or encountered the words “your smile brightens up the room.” Well, it could be a flatter, but in most cases, it’s usually true. Many of us don’t realize how smiles influence our lives since we never pay attention to it. When people smile at us, it is a sign of undying love. Unless it is a false smile which we can always know. It is an expression of their warmness to us and that is the same case when you smile to a person.

Here are some benefits a simple smile has in your life:

•Builds relationshipssmiling people pointing to each other for fun

•Release emotions drawing you closer to people

•Make you feel at ease

•Increase the lifespan

•Act as a natural pain reliever

•Relieves stress

They say that when you smile, the world smiles back at you. Applying this principle, then it would be correct to say that when you meet and interact with smiling people, then you automatically smile back at them. This causes a chain reaction not only to you but also to the people around you. In that case, you also enjoy the fruits and the benefits of smiling as well as everyone around you. Research shows that smiling enhances the release of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin which are responsible for general happiness.

Imagine a world full of happiness. It would be a world worth living in. Unfortunately, life has its own lows and that’s when we need the smiles to cheer us up and keep us moving. All this wrapped up together summarizes a day full of smiling people around us.

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